
美國聯邦金管會 (FFIEC) 在 2006/1/31 發佈一份 XBRL 績效報告,詳載 FFIEC 從 2005/10/1 起採用 XBRL 做為金檢資料申報規格後所得到的初步績效改進。


1. Data cleanliness ( 申報的資料符合 CDR 系統的規格 ): an increase from 66% to 95%.

2. Data accuracy ( 資料之間算術關係的正確性 ): an increase from 70% to 100%.

3. Timeliness ( 金檢單位收到申報資料的時間 ): from weeks to “less than one day”.

4. Productivity of analysts ( 金檢人員每人分析的金融機構家數 ): an increase of 10-33%, depending on the analysts' familiarity with the new tool. Further improvement is highly anticipated.

5. Data access ( 金檢機構何時能使用到申報的資料 ): from within several days after receipt to within one day.

6. Efficiency (金檢人員工作效率): staff completes work 15% sooner.

7. Seamless throughput ( 金檢公式更動時需要花費的通知及改正時間 ): from within days/weeks to within minutes/hours.